Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Heart healthy tips by Farmingville doctors

It is an undeniable fact that the heart is the most important part of the human body. There is a need to keep it fit, in order to live a healthy life.

Over the years, heart gets damaged and weakened. Smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, eating oily and fatty foods are the few reasons behind it. You need to care for the heart before it is too late. This can be done with few simple and doable steps that will put positive results.
Here are few heart healthy tips provided by Farmingville doctors-


The food is a very important aspect of heart health. Eating fruits and vegetables is definitely going to help you in maintaining a healthy heart. Pick up any cardiology news tabloid and you will find that they all focus towards a healthy diet for a healthy heart!
Avoiding the fats and oils shall help the arteries and walls of your hearts remain in the pink of health. Beware of the adulteration that prevails in the food industry and eat organic food instead.


It is essential to burn the excess fat and calories that accumulate on the body. Not doing so will turn into such 'unbreakable' bonds that make you fat, lethargic, and unhealthy. Therefore, to cut down fats in your body you need to make sure that you do some sort of exercise daily. It can be something like brisk walking, exercising or fun games. These things will sweat you out, and keep your body and heart functioning good.

Health check-ups

Visiting a doctor for regular checkups is also essential. You might be at the risk of heart ailments through family history or due to your own unhealthy habits. This makes it essential for you to have a good doctor by your side who will provide you healthy heart tips. You can get best cardiology treatments, if you are suffering from heart ailment.

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