Thursday, 4 June 2015

The uses and benefits of Ultrasound

Ultrasound is a practice which is used to give images of an unborn child. This is the most common use of ultrasound. There are number of healthcare centers that grant wide range of Ultrasound Diagnostic Services. Transducer is a tool that is used for ultrasounds . Special technicians are hired to perform these tests. Sounds waves are used to produce images in this technique.

What are the possible uses of an ultrasound?

Ultrasound scans are mostly used in -

Monitoring an unborn baby- The ultrasound scans are most commonly used by pregnant women. This scan helps to give an image of the fetus on the monitor. The ultrasound scan has no harm on the baby and can be done during a pregnancy.  For a pregnant women ultrasounds are preferred more frequently by the doctors

Diagnosing different problems in the body –This technique can be useful in diagnosing the troubles with your liver , gall bladder, thyroid gland and even eyes , skin and blood vessels.

Helping doctors during surgery – Ultrasound can be used in guiding doctors during different procedures in their medical career. For example in the case of biopsy this technique helps the surgeon to check whether he is working on the right area.

Apart from all these, the ultrasound technique is widely used in the process of Echocardiogram (ECG). In this the size, shape and movement of your heart is examined.

Benefits of ultrasound
  • Ultrasounds do not cause pain to the patient as they do not require the use of needles or injections.
  • They do not charge much as compared to other methods such as X-rays, MRI’s etc. As it is low in cost, so it does not demand the use of much of the hospital resources.
  • The radiations that are produced through this technique are not harmful and are safe for the unborn babies.
  • This technique is also used for displaying real time images of the organs and blood vessels.
  • Ultrasound is used to display images of the tissues that the X-rays fail to show.
Despite having several advantages, there are still number of disadvantages of ultrasound scans.
  • One of the major disadvantages is that the outcome of image is limited. There are still many situations where the X-rays give much clear Image than the ultrasound.
  • The problems related to lungs and digestive system of the body cannot be examined through this technique
  • In case of a fracture, the ultrasound is not useful as it cannot examine through bones. In case of examining the brain also MRI scan is mostly preferred.

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