Thursday, 19 November 2015

Which are the most common types of blood exams?

For diagnosing an illness or suffering, patient is always suggested to go for blood tests. This is why people go for annual physical tests.

With early diagnosis, health issues whether normal or severe can be detected. It also helps doctors to start with the treatment process.Overall, the purpose behind annual physical exam is to ensure good health of the individuals.
Numerous blood testing laboratories are available worldwide that offer blood exams. Few of the most common type of blood exams conducted in testing laboratories include-

CBC- Also known as Complete Blood Count test, this is performed to see the overall health of an individual. It is the most common test. The test result of CBC include the amount of hemoglobin, variety, percentage and quality of red blood cells & white blood cells. In addition, health issues like anemia, infections, and other hematological abnormalities are also diagnosed.

Hemoglobin A1C- This test is performed to evaluate the glucose status. The blood sugar in an individual needs to be of correct amount. Irregular amount can lead to the risks of heart diseases in people with or without diabetes. Patients with diabetes need to take special care of themselves as unhealthy levels of hemoglobin A1C can cause complications.

- Heart attack is the most common health issue. The level of homocysteine can be checked through this test. Test reports state that high levels of homocysteine often cause heart attack, while a normal increase in the levels can cause coronary heart disease. Therefore, it is essential to go for homocysteine test in order to ensure homocysteine levels are under control.

Fibrinogen Test- Blood clotting is a common issue nowadays. People who sit for a long time in a fixed position are bound to face this problem. This health issue occurs because of irregular fibrinogen levels in the body. High levels also increase the risk of heart disease or stroke. In addition, risks of few inflammatory disorders can also occur due to it. Therefore, to diagnose blood clotting, a patient needs to have a fibrinogen test.

From the aforementioned information, you must have gained knowledge about common type of blood exams. Annual physical exam is vital to ensure that you are not suffering from any illness. Moreover, it is a way to remain fit and healthy.

If residing in Farmingville and looking for blood test laboratory center, then look for a reliable center that provides accurate test results.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Everything you need to know about high blood pressure

Today, hypertension or high blood pressure is one of the biggest life threatening health issues. This mainly occurs when the force of blood pushing the walls of the arteries goes above the normal range, which means systolic reading is at 140 or more or the diastolic reading is 90 or above.

There are mainly two types of high blood pressure, which includes primary hypertension and secondary hypertension. However, the symptoms of high blood pressure are hard to detect at an early age but it develops over a time. Some of the common symptoms include headaches, nose bleeding and many more.
There is no exact cure for this disease but certain precautions can help you tackle it. The first and the foremost thing is to start a healthy lifestyle and take the prescribed medicines. Negligence towards this can lead to serious health conditions and complications such as heart failure, stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, and even death in more severe conditions.

As there are no noticeable symptoms, it can be extremely dangerous for one’s health. People who are suffering from health conditions like, obesity or have a family history of blood pressure are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure. Moreover, intake of alcohol, excessive salt, physical inactivity, tobacco usage, and stress can also lead to hypertension.
Controlling the high blood pressure problem is possible by following few recommendations of the physician, which can also help in achieving the normal blood pressure. Following are some of guidelines that can help in controlling the high blood pressure-
  • Adapt a healthy lifestyle
  • Reduce weight
  • Take the prescribed medicines regularly
  • Low intake of salt and fat
  • Limit smoking as well as alcohol consumption
  • Stay physically active
  • Talk about it to your doctor.
From all the above-mentioned information, you must have got a clear idea about the causes, types, and prevention of the hypertension. However, if you or any one in your family is suffering from hypertension, then make sure to visit a nearby family health care center in Farmingville.